Wednesday, February 28, 2007

American Idol: Top 10 Girls Perform

Short Blog again tonight folks as I am splitting time with LOST! Only one more week of this 3 Days of Idol and then we can get into a normal groove for 11 weeks! Anyway, tonight's performances were okay. Some big stand-outs, some pretty gut-wrenching performances. But, like the guys, the Top 12 seats are starting to fill up and there's just a couple up for grabs.

Did real-time blogging again tonight. Here's my notes:

  1. Gina Glocksen - Dedicating to boyfriend Joel - "Alone" - Well, when you do a song that is the most memorable Carrie Underwood performance from Season 4 (oh yes, i'll reference youtube clips now!), you're bound to be compared. Verdict? NOT even close. And very flat. But probably not the worst we'll hear tonight, though. She should be safe.

    Judges: Randy says AIIGHT, Paula references Carrie but still says blown away. Simon says Gina has an identity crisis. Needs to have edgier look to stay in the competition.
  2. Alaina Alexander - Dedicating to Mom - "Not Ready to Make Nice" (Dixie Chicks) - Well any Idol fans from south of the Mason-Dixon line won't be happy with this choice. They hate their Dixie Chicks these days! But you know what? I don't think the northern folk were too thrilled with it either. Alaina just doesn't have the voice for this competition. Seemed to be off key the whole performance.

    Judges: Randy - 1st couple bars were good, then pitchy. Paula - Pitch was a bit off. Simon - You Ran out of Steam

    Me: Not looking good for Alaina. This week plus last week's lackluster performance all comes together and sounds like a big BOOT coming her way!
  3. Lakisha Jones -Dedicating to Grandmother, Ruth -"Midnight Train to Georgia" Okay, I was able to tolerate Lakisha a bit more this week. She was a little more toned down and I could appreciate the voice and the skills. But how about the Lakisha Fanclub in the background acting like background singers...finger pointing and all? Good times...

    Judges: Randy - That was Hot! Paula - YOU'RE Lakisha WOO WOO! Simon - loves the singer, hates the outfit and wants her to "Act like a star" great...he's egging on the Diva'tude! That is the thing I hate the MOST!
  4. Melinda Doolittle - Dedicating to her 2 friends (Gayles) - "My Funny Valentine" There is no doubt that she has a fantastic voice, sense of timing, and just the skills. Even with a boring song that even Jon Stevens couldn't make exciting...she somehow did (was joking about the Jon Stevens thing! He made even the easiest songs to sing unbearable!)

    Judges: 3 Thumbs up! Simon likes how she doesn't realize how good she is, which is a breathe of fresh air to the egos with no talent out there today.

    Me: Top 12 Lock, no doubt.
  5. Antonella Barba - Dedicating to brother - "Because You Loved Me" Celine's a tough act to pull off and I just don't think she was up to the challenge. Stage Presence was bad, and while she hit the notes, they didn't sound very lovely! It just doesn't match up to the other contestants in this competition.

    Judges: Randy and Simon came down hard on her. Paula said it was better than last week.

    Antonella: Simon was wrong about Jennifer Hudson. Simon: We put Jennifer Hudson through...america voted her out.

    Me: Okay, everyone has probably heard about the infamous racy pitcures by now. Well, they kicked out Frenchie Davis in season 2 for similar issues. I think Idol is planning to let Antonella work her own way out of the competition. While the performance wasn't great, it seemed like the judges were told to be overly critical to Antonella to speed up her exit. Or at least to EXPLAIN why she'd be getting the boot. I am a firm believer that Idol will say America voted off a contestant even if they get higher votes! It's all about the integrity of the show! But with this performance plus Antonella's Jennifer Hudson comments, no one will question if she leaves the show Thursday night. (I love conspiracy theories, don't you?)
  6. Jordin Sparks - Dedicating to younger brother - "My Reflection" - Jordin takes on Miss Aguilera. How did she do? For the most part...pretty decent. Some rough notes here and there, but she just has that Idol Appeal to her and I'm just surprised that I like this girl considering her young age of 17! Crying during the performance helps a bit to win votes too!

    Judges: Mostly 3 thumbs up. Simon said it wasn't her best but she is just likable. Paula finally used the word INFECTIOUS this season. Should I start a tally?
  7. Stephanie Edwards - Dedicating to Mom and Dad - "Dangerously in Love" Beyonce - I did say she had a Beyonce sound to her voice last week. And now, we know why. she wants to be her! Seemed like she was a little behind the music. There is no debating she has a good voice, but I kinda lost her in the middle of the performance and never found myself interested again. While she may make the top 12, she is being out-performed by some heavier talent in this competition. She's going to have to fight to get in there.

    Judges: Randy started off saying it was great but then told her not to copy Beyonce. Paula and Simon raved.

    Me: Apparently, we were watching a different show! But I did agree with Randy a bit. She's safe this week though.
  8. Leslie Hunt - Dedicating to Grandfather - "I gig! I'm so cool!" "Feelin Good" - Okay, here is the exact reason why A.J. Tabaldo had no place singing this song! It's a woman's song!! Not to say that Leslie was any good. Cause I really don't think she was. And the scatting? Seriously? Boring....snoring. And is anyone else scared by her crazy eyes? Remember that runaway bride from a few years ago? Remember those crazy eyes?

    Judges: So-So Comments. Paula liked. Loved Simon saying how the scatting sounds like Paula's critiques. Paula's response? I like Ice Cream!

    Me: I agree with Simon. And Paula, I like Ice Cream too but I try to limit by sugar intake!
  9. Haley Scarnato -Dedicating to fiance' - "Queen of the Night" Well you can't deny she has a marketable appearance! She definitely can't match up to her competition in the voice department. But with a good song choice, she might be able to hold her own. Unfortunately, I didn't like the song.

    Judges: Randy - more background parts than lead in that song. Paula - Better than last week. Simon - A for Effort, but vulnerable tonight. When singing Whitney, you will be compared.
  10. Sabrina Sloan - Dedicating to Grandmother - "He Fills Me Up" Well, she did Whitney too, but seemed to pull it off better than Haley. Then again, her voice is in a different league than Haley's. She pretty much locked her top 12 spot last week. This performance, while not as good as last week, keeps her in the running.

    Judges: 3 Thumbs up. Simon mentions Whitney thing again and prefers last week.

The Breakdown

Top 12 Locks: Lakisha Jones, Melinda Doolittle, Jordin Sparks, Sabrina Sloan
Should be Safe: Gina Glocksen
Judges Thought was good but I disagree: Stephanie Edwards
Worst Performances: Alaina Alexander, Antonella Barba, Haley Scarnato, Leslie Hunt

The Picks

Elimination Picks: Antonella Barba, Alaina Alexander Wildcard: Leslie Hunt

Only thing going against the Barba pick was that she was high on the list last week. So, if it actually is based on votes, then she might be safe. But I really think the producers don't want this issue following the show around all season. If she's not out this week, she'll be gone next week.

Okay that's it for tonight! Share your thoughts! See you tomorrow for the results!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

American Idol - Top 10 Guys - One Week Makes a Difference

Well we're back folks! Exactly one week since we thought that the show had absolutely no hope this year. What else happened in the past week? Well the girls showed up the guys and gave a little hope back. Then, the weekend provided yet another IDOL scandal (Antonella Barba and some racy photographs) and another Idol Award Winner (Congrats Jennifer Hudson on the Oscar!). Just another week in the life of American Idol. But we're here today to break down the 10 male performances from this week. And, I must say, it was MUCH better this week on a whole. That doesn't mean some kids didn't stink up the joint.

This week was all about dedications. Sometimes the dedications worked for the contestants. More often than not, the dedication caused a backlash by the judges on song choice. A few sidestepped this issue with dedicating the PERFORMANCE instead of the actual SONG and it seemed to work out for them. You'll see in my notes below! Speaking of which, even though my real-time blogging failed me last week, I did type up my notes real-time again as I was watching. You can see my thoughts as I watched the show, and then we'll gather back to tally up some final results!

  1. Phil Stacey - Dedicates to Navy Band Southeast - "I Ain't Missin You" - Dedicates to the Navy then tells them he isn't missing them? Ahhh Good times. Started off kinda slow, but then he kicked into gear. Phil has the problem of not being very bad, but also not fantastic.
    Judges: Randy and Paula loved. Simon: So- So "Unoriginal voice, but popular"
  2. Jared Cotter - Dedicates to Mom and Dad (awwww) - "Let's Get It On" - Jared is attempting to "channel Marvin Gaye"....fantastic! He's still pointing his fingers....arrghh! Drives me crazy! Seems like he's trying way too hard to be sexy. If it doesn't come naturally, it aint gonna come dude. I guess he thought once Justin Timberlake brought Sexy back, that everyone automatically had it from there on out? His voice was okay though, but the performance didn't do much for me (of course, that could be because I'm straight!)

    Judges: Randy says it was aigght. (Also, Did I catch a McSteamy in there? Wrong show dawg!) Paula says "You don't have to 'PUSH,' No pun intended..."(paula, paula paula.....)Simon says Very Corny and Cabaret. And Ryan adds " And the things we've all done to that song...memories." And thus, the Ryan and Paula cross the line on what is acceptable on a family show!
  3. A.J. Tabaldo - Dedicates to Mom and Dad - "Feeling Good" - Seriously, A.J. just put on an evening gown and let's move on! What self-respecting guy swings his arms around like that? Great Voice, but way too womanly for me.

    Judges: 3 thumbs up. Simon states that he did the right thing with the song choice. Showed personality and stood out.

    Me: I just don't get it. Simon hates cabaret, and that song couldn't have been MORE cabaret if it tried! I thought it was pretty bad and based on other performances he might be on the chopping block.
  4. Sanjaya Malakar - Dedicates to grandfather and wears his wedding ring (interesting) - "Steppin Out" - Decent voice, less boring than last week, but seems like he's missing some kind of emotional requirement to his performances.

    Judges: 3 Thumbs down. Randy relates to a bad high school talent show. Paula has a problem putting a good spin on it. Simon doesn't get the song choice.

    Me: Here is where the dedication backfired. He actually performed a song that his Grandfather would've wanted to hear him perform. May work for a sympathy vote, but didn't work with America. And based on the other performances, this could be a lesson learned too late for Sanjaya.
  5. Chris Sligh - Dedicates to wife Sarah (woaaa how did he get her?? oh wait he just said the same thing) - "Trouble" Alright....well this is the Chris I think we wanted to see! The song worked well with the pre-performance dedication, not to mention him singing to his wife in the crowd. Great stuff. Chris is back in the good graces of America and the top 12 is looking inevitable!

    Judges: 3 Thumbs up. This is the Chris we all wanted to see.
  6. Nick Pedro - Dedicates to girlfriend Kaitlin - "Fever" - I Loved the quick shots of the drummer being so cool. Nick definitely has a distinct voice. I still say it's not powerful enough. But Paula is nodding along to the song, so something tells me he's okay for now.

    Judges: Randy says kinda nice, Paula says she loves his tone, Simon thought it was good but he lacks charisma. Oh yeah, and he liked the drummer too! NIIIIICE!

    Sidenote: The "Vote for Pedro" comment was a nice shout out to Napoleon Dynamite last week and was funny. Now, it's just OLD!
  7. Blake Lewis - Dedicates to Parents - "Virtual Insanity" - Once again Blake is performing pretty well out there. He threw a pseudo beat box into it. Definitely can hear some pitch problems though on some of the big notes. Not as good as last week, but far from the worst tonight.

    Judges: Randy loved the Falsetto Joint, scatting, beatboxing etc... Paula says he's making smart chocies and explains to American what UNIQUE means (yes Paula, that means no one else is like him! thanks!) Simon was disappointed citing that only the middle of the performance was original.

    Me: I agree with Simon a bit. But Blake's uniqueness has pretty much ensured himself a top 12 spot. And he deserves it. We don't want to have to sit through these boring people belting out old soul songs year after year. We want something new. Blake represents a NEW SOUND for Idol. He and his "Vocal Entoundry?" will be here for awhile.
  8. Brandon Rogers - Dedicates to Grandmother - "Time After Time" - I always have been a big fan of the Cyndi Lauper song. Actually just added it to my itunes collection recently (oh leave me alone! I'm straight!) Well, he definitely stayed in tune. May have been a bit boring, though.

    Judges: Randy and Simon didn't feel the Wowness and were bored. Paula felt Brandon's heart and was begging for the crowd to support her in her disdain for Simon. Biggest thing we learned was that Simon loves puppies!

    Me: Well, here is where the DEDICATION backfired. Sure, I like the song, but man did Brandon turn in a snoozer. He claims he was trying to show how much the song meant to him and his Grandmother. I can see where the contestants may have gotten confused with the dedications, but this is at the stage of the game where you can pick whatever song you want (as long as Idol has the rights). You gotta pick something the crowd will remember! I had Brandon pegged for a top 12 spot by default, I may have to rethink things.
  9. Chris Richardson - Dedicates to Grandma "Spunky Big Mama" - "Geek in the Pink" - Never heard of the song, but I have heard of Jason Mraz. This tune worked for Chris. It was fresh, current and appealed to the crowd. Mostly was on key, but the personality and delivery hid any bad notes for the most part. He did sorta whisper some of the melody, but again, performance won out. He, along with Blake, represent unique styles in the competition this year (stuff we haven't seen on idol before) and because of that, they are both are bona fide top 12 contenders.

    Judges: Best tonight by a mile. And Paula had fun with arts and crafts making little pink hearts. awwwww!

    Me: Here's an example where Chris dedicated the performance to his Grandmother but then just picked a song that really showcased himself. And it paid off for him. He even stated his grandmother would've preferred a country tune!
  10. Sundance Head - Dedicates to Son Levi. (Sundance brings the tears cause he misses his son. Yeah Sundance win those votes!) - "Mustang Sally" - Alright Sundance! He finally brought it! He was upbeat, soulful and hit some very nice and memorable high notes. Not much to the song Mustang Sally, but he still brought the SUNDANCE feel to it. Seems like a step in the right direction.

    Judges: Randy and Paula LOVED it. Simon was glad we got the old Sundance Back but is looking for more.

    Me: Based on the results of last week (which seems to have proven itself pretty accurate), America WANTS to root for this guy. He was the top vote getter of the guys. And with this performance being much better than last week's, he seems like a safe bet for the top 12 at this point.

So definitely some better performances tonight. It's coming down to simple math here now. There are some people that are just going to stick around and others that are not. Here's how I see it.

Earned their Top 12 Spots tonight and/or last week: Chris Sligh, Chris Richardson, Blake Lewis, Sundance Head

Should be safe tonight: Phil Stacey

Forgettable performances: Jared Cotter, Brandon Rogers, Nick Pedro

Judges say was good, but I disagree: A.J. Tabaldo

Worst Performance of the Night: Sanjaya Malakar

Elimination Picks: Sanjaya Malakar, Brandon Rogers Wildcard: Nick Pedro

Well, I really wanted to give Brandon that spot in the top 12. But tonight was pretty rough. And yes, it's not always the worst 2 performances that get sent packing. But Brandon has had 2 rough performances in a row now. So has Sanjaya. I think Nick is right on the edge of getting the boot too. I just don't think he has a powerful enough voice for the long haul. But time will tell.

So if my calculations are correct, 4 are a lock for the 6 male spots. Which means 2 spots are open and 4 will be vying for them next week. It's really going to come down to next week's performances to see which 2 will grab them. And of course, the 4 locks just have to make sure they don't screw up too badly!

Hope everyone enjoyed the blog. See you tomorrow!

Friday, February 23, 2007

American Idol: I'd say 3 of 4 is pretty good!

Okay, so I found a chance to say a few words today. I mean, you gotta give me a little credit for being able to pinpoint 2 guys out of the 11 that should've been booted this week. The girls, okay I was giving the Philly girl a little more credit than she deserved, but by no means am I sad she's out of the competition. Here's who got ousted!

Girls: Nicole Tranquillo, Amy Krebs
Guys: Rudy Cardenas, Paul Kim

Good riddance to all of them! The best news of all of this? That's 10 extra minutes a night that we get to hear Ryan tell bad jokes as we continue our pursuit of 5 hours of Idol a week. So, did anyone else wait to watch the results show at midnight and fastforward through all of the excruciating performances? (I'm including and ranking Fantasia's at the top of excruciation...don't even know if that's a word!)

Not much else to talk about except our new curtain call song this year. Anyone recognize the voice on the song "HOME" that has replaced "Bad Day" as Idol's "let's make you feel better about going home by playing this song and in the meantime create another superstar" song? Yep, it's none other than Chris Daughtry and his band ......DAUGHTRY. We'll get to hear his lovely voice the rest of this season on results night. Maybe he'll even make a guest appearance with his 1st true love....Molly The Mic Stand. I miss him holding and squeezing his baby on stage so much. It's only a matter of time.

Until then, let's start dreaming up Diana Ross and Bon Jovi playlists...and some random 70's British Band that will be guiding our contestants this year (Was it something like Wally and the Frogpond Jamborees??? Yeah, I made that up but it sounded equally weird!)

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and gets lots of rest. We have some more awful performances and possibly a couple truly inpsired ones coming next week! See you then!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

American Idol - Top 12 Girls Perform

Okay, well you’re not going to believe this. I actually wrote a REAL-TIME blog as I was watching Idol (WITH commercials)….and it was fantastic. It was a brilliant plan, all so that I’d be able to write an Idol Blog AND a LOST blog. Guess what? I finished at 10:15 with the Idol Blog, hit submit and got an error. BLOG gone. Lesson learned? Always SAVE and create a backup!

Anyways…unfortunately, this all translates to a very small blog for you guys. Sorry! I just don’t have the time to rewrite it.

Overall? Girls were much better than the guys. And my fears have subsided about the level of talent this season. Am I excited about Idol yet? Well, not really. I think the show on a whole is just wearing on me.

Standouts from tonight and sure things to move on?

  • Sabrina Sloan – Wow, totally didn’t see this performance coming. She brought it from the start all the way to the end, and pretty much told America she’s here to win it!

  • Lakisha “Gap Tooth” Jones - I know Madonna has a gap between her teeth too….so is Lakisha the next Madonna? She obviously is the judges’ favorite. I don’t know what it is that I truly despise about her, but there’s something. At least I have plenty of weeks to figure it out!

  • Melinda Doolittle – We knew she was gonna be good. She may be a bit goofy looking, but the girl can SANG

  • Stephanie Edwards - She definitely sang well. I thought a bit too Diva'ish, but her pre-performance interview balanced her out. I'll save discussions about her Dionne Warwick hairdo for another time!

Other Good Performances

  • Jordin Sparks - Funny thing is she kinda looks like Traci Chapman. She's a young-in she'll be good enough to make the Top 12, but good enough to go the distance? That is yet to be seen. But, she definitely has a strong voice and a good personality. We should keep an eye on her.

  • Gina Glocksen - I agree with Simon that she had a problem hitting the big note...but she was better than I thought she would be, especially with being a season 5 reject. I'm sure I wrote more about her earlier, but I'm fresh out for now!

  • Haley Scarnato - I guess she was a bit boring tonight. I know I had put her in my top 12 forgetting how awful she sounded on the last Hollywood day. But I thought she sang the song much better tonight. I wouldn't go as far as saying she sounded like she was 40, like Simon did. But, definitely got shown up by the other girls.

Questionable Contestants (Could go Either Way)

  • Nicole Tranquillo - Philly Native, naturally I wanted to root for her. But I could not understand the song choice for the life of me. I was very impressed with her vocal range though. If she can lose the attitude and try taking some constructive criticism, she might have a fighting chance. Otherwise, her competition is too strong, and she's a goner eventually.

  • Leslie Hunt - I've already blacklisted her for singing "Natural Woman".....Kelly did such an amazing rendition in season 1 (was the first episode I ever saw, and what actually hooked me on the show) that it seems foolish for anyone to try it. And she just didn't seem to have her heart in it. She couldn't sell the song. She may sound better on a different tune though, but I don't think she has what it takes for the long haul.

2 of these girls are gone by tomorrow

  • Antonella Barba

  • Amy Krebs

  • Alaina Alexander

    I would try to give them each a critique, but I truly have forgotten what they sang. Oh now I remember, Antonella "Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" she followed Sabrina...and just bored the crowd. Amy, "Can't Make you Love Me" - Seriously, I'm sick of hearing this song on Idol! And she didn't change much for me. Boring! Alaina - Pretender's "I'm Special" or something like that. Love the song, but she just didn't pull it off. Sorry Girls, it ain't gonna cut it!

Elimination Picks: Antonella Barba, Amy Krebs Wildcard: Leslie Hunt

I'm probably going to get comments that doing the blog like this is better than how I usually do it! And if that's the case, maybe I do better without notes! Couple more things I need to just mention in the blog. Ryan High Fiving Contestants, must be his NEW THING this year. He's so cool! Paula's hair......ummmmmm? Yep, that's it!

Remember, I'm going to be away tomorrow night, so don't be counting on a blog for the results show. If I do get around to posting one, an email distribution won't be sent out, so just check the site occassionally. And really, who wants to watch an episode where Fantasia will be the featured guest? (just threw up in my mouth by the way)

Sorry about the blog everyone. Hope you enjoyed anyway! See you soon!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

American Idol: Top 12 Guys Bore at a TV near You

Sorry, I don't see why I should put the effort into this blog as none of these guys made an effort at being entertaining. There is absolutely NO resemblance of star quality out of any of these guys. Yes, some did shine over others, but it's all relative compared to years past. I'm not sure what the judges and producers have done this year, but I'm sure there is talent that they turned away in favor of this crew.

Good news? We're back to LIVE Idol, and I'm starting to think that's really all that matters. It's not the performers. It's watching Ryan and the judges make fun of each other for 2 hours. And getting to see Ricky Minor wave to the crowd while he represents the band. We can see Ryan try to bond with the contestants by taking his shoes off or telling them that 30 million people are watching them trying to psych them out. Am I just getting sick of this show? Sure it's only the first night of many. I'm just hoping this isn't a sign of things to come.

Well as excited as I'm not, we have a job to do. We gotta get rid of 2 of these guys. Let's see if there's anything good we can say about any of them!
  1. Rudy Cardenas - 28 - Most of us will remember him as the "JOURNEY" guy from the auditions that Simon didn't like. Well, I think most of us will be hopping on Simon's bandwagon after Rudy decided to whip out an old FORD Commercial jingle in "Free Ride" (ahhh Idol, FORD, COKE....yes yes..more things to look forward to!). I'll admit, I forgot all about his performance until the end clips and I laughed when I saw him dancing again and flamboyantly waving his arms around. Things aren't looking good for ol' Rudy.
  2. Brandon Rogers - 29 - The Background singer to Timberlake, Aguilera, Usher. He pulled out a little Michael Jackson "Rock With You." What did I capture in my notes? "Eh" and "Bland." Randy threw in a "Pitchy" comment, Paula gave some useless praise, Simon summed up with "Safe and predictable." We saw the guy's audition. We know he has more to offer. PLUS, I'm not going to be wrong 2 years in a row on this one. Giddeon didn't make it to the top 12 last year. This guy HAS to make it to the top 12!
  3. Sundance Head - 29 - Man, I'm thinking the producers really put a lot of stock into this guy and he is just not showing up. He seemed to be a heavy favorite and now has dwindled down to just barely making the top 24 and now he is facing the threat of elimination. His version of "Nights in White Satin" was excruciatingly awful. Pitch problems galore. He even got one of Simon's "Dad at a Wedding" comments. Just based on his audition, I'm giving him a grace period of one more week.
  4. Paul Kim -25 - Dude, put some shoes on. Seriously! And I hate when right in the middle of a song when the contestants get so proud of themselves that they shout out a little "HUH" or "HA" ugh....GAG me! You're not cool! You haven't EARNED cool yet! Plus you're competing for the cheesiest show in America! YOU ARE NOT COOL and never will be! Really, "I'm never gonna dance again" ??? replace DANCE with SING...and we may sum up PAUL KIM.
  5. Chris Richardson -22 - See what you previous 4 have done? I already had put Chris on my Season 6 "GAG at every performance no matter what" list and you're making me root for him now! I can't stand Timberlake clones (almost as much as I can't stand the real thing!)...but he at least brought a different flavor to his performance of Gavin DeGraw's "I don't wanna be" In my notes, I had written down that he had a limited vocal range. Simon added to this saying the song made him feel small. But he did entertain the crowd a bit, and probably just by taking a risk...he earned a spot next week. People will remember him. Still has a long way to go though. (If they don't remember him, they'll remember his Dancing Dad!)
  6. Nick Pedro - 25 - Did anyone else notice that he was hunched over for his whole performance? He looked like a pathetic excuse of a man while he sang "Now and Forever." I sided with Randy and Paula on this one that it was boring and NOT MAGICAL (guess who said that). I heard a lot of flat notes. And frankly, I'm a bit confused to why Simon supported the guy. But, at this stage of the game, a Simon compliment can get you through. (I think)
  7. Blake Lewis - 25 - So we finally heard the Beat Boxer sing. I'll give him points for picking Keane's "Somewhere Only We Know." Great tune. And I'll give him points for sounding pretty decent on it. He's got a unique marketing appeal to him, he's got the beat boxing in his back pocket....and his singing voice is pretty decent (although some notes were pretty rough). This was probably the best performance of the night. And the bad news really isn't saying much when comparing to previous seasons. Sure, it's only one song. But you usually can tell who has the goods and who doesn't at this stage of the game. Gonna be a long season for male performances.
  8. Sanjaya Malakar - 17 - Man...most of the guys are 28/29 in this to be 11 years younger has to be pretty rough. He looks like a baby, sounds like a girl (or Michael Jackson when talking, take your pick). And Simon stole my line. He kept singing " I Don't Wanna Bore you" when that's all he was doing! It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. But all the mothers out there will eat this guy right up. We'll see him sticking around for another week....maybe he can redeem himself. I was really shocked that Simon said AGE isn't a factor....yet let's go back to what I always say. When has a 16 year old won AI? a 17 year old? 18??? Should I keep going?
  9. Chris Sligh - 28 - This dude has to be careful. He's riding the popular vote for now (based on all the polls I've seen) But I think he's reading too many blogs. It seems that some of the "fame" has gone to his head and turned into a bit of arrogance. Although I did like his shots at Simon about IL DIVO. Still, a little too much of that and some bad timing with jokes can sit poorly with America. He'll definitely get a pass this week. I didn't recognize the song, but I thought he sang it decently. If anything, he stood out. He does look goofy out there...and very UN-IDOL like, but I guess that's his appeal. I will say that he won't go down as another Scott Savol (as I suggested MIGHT happen). The best thing SLIGH GUY has going for him? He hates "SWEET HOME ALABAMA" FINALLY! Someone besides me has said it! I mean seriously, why is this song the anthem of like everything? Seriously, everyone goes crazy everytime it plays at a bar or a band covers it at a concert. UGH! It has to be one of the most overplayed songs in history, and it just drives me NUTS! Chris gets my vote this week just for that!
  10. Jared Cotter -25- For the love of God...please stop pointing your FINGERS!!! And on top of that...please do not count to 4 with your fingers when singing Brian McKnight's "Back at One" It has to be the cheesiest thing you can possibly do! He looked so corny up there. He sounded good, but no one really knows him from past episodes, and he didn't do much to earn voters. Fortunately for him....I've already picked out 2 people worse for my picks (of course, one might debate if that's a GOOD Thing for him!)
  11. A.J. Tabaldo - 22 -5 times auditioning for here he is to bring us some song, dance, and a polo shirt with the collar up! Let's rock it out! "ALL MY LOVE" ooooh no...Paula...sit down, stop singing! Oh A.J. please stop dancing! Nooooo.... I can list some flamboyant Idol contestants of the past (right up to Rudy earlier tonight)....but this guy was cracking me up with his crazy dancing! I guess he had a good voice. That's what the judges said. But I just couldn't stop laughing. And well...that makes a memorable performance which cashes in as votes. A.J. Seems safe!
  12. Phil Stacey - 29 - Okay, so I never liked this guy from the auditions. I thought he should've been with his wife for his kid's birth. He tried to justify it tonight by saying it was unexpected. I also thought it was the only reason he got through the audition. But I thought he did a decent job tonight. Again, nothing that blew me away. And I think that's what Simon was trying to say with his comments comparing him to Chris Daughtry (not the fact that he's bald too). This crop of contestants just doesn't hold a candle to years past...and I don't see them "GROWING INTO IT" either as Paula suggested. Some stuff just happens naturally. And no one impressed me tonight. But Phil will be around for another week. Let's touch on more important things though. The funny thing is ...i was trying to think of what animal he reminded me of. I finally had settled on an alien (because THEY are animals). But when Ryan said "Britney Spears" it dawned on me that that is what i was thinking of the whole time. What a nut job she turned out to be. She's not a girl, not even a woman anymore. Impressive. Phil has the whole dual sexuality going for him too having a girl's last name and all. It just seems to all tie together, doesn't it?

I always think I'm gonna get away with writing less and less with each blog. What can I say? Bad Performances make me ramble even more! Well one more thing to do....pick our 2 elimination picks. If it was up to me, I'd just vote them ALL out right now. But let's be realistic.

Who is staying? Chris Richardson, Chris Sligh, Nick Pedro (on Simon's Vote), Brandon Rogers (because I said so!), Phil Stacey, Blake Lewis

Who will America give a second chance? Sundance Head, Sanjaya Malakar

Unintentional Comedy Performance of the night? A.J. Tabaldo

Who do I not care about even the least bit? Rudy Cardenas, Paul Kim, Jared Cotter

Elimination Picks: Rudy Cardenas and Paul Kim Wildcard Pick: Sanjaya Malakar

Well, hope you enjoyed my ramblings. I will promise that the Girl's Recap will be a bit briefer, only because LOST will be dominating my thoughts tomorrow night. I will also give you a pre-warning....I will be out of town Thursday, so there is a chance there may be no Results Show blog this week. I hope you all can survive! Trust me, contrary to what you may think...there are websites out there that will tell you who was eliminated if you miss it!

Who do we think our FAMOUS IDOL alum will be Thursday Night? and With Big News??? Well it's not Kelly, because she will never be on the show again. Could be Carrie, but I'm thinking that it's LESS famous than her. And if it's anyone besides those 2? I really don't care much!

Okay, seriously I'm done now. Except that I will ask you all to please share your thoughts. Am I crazy? Was this not one of the worst Semi-Final nights ever? See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

American Idol 2007 Top 24

It's finally over folks. The pre-recorded segment of Idol has come to a close with naming our Top 24. Now, the biggest debate ever must begin. What debate am I talking about? The TiVo debate! Do us privileged DVR users watch Idol on delay to skip commercials or do we watch LIVE because it IS Live TV? Ahh the drama that will fill the months leading up to May's crowning of the 6th American Idol!

Okay enough messing around, let's move on! Listed below are our Top 24. Just like last year, I will highlight my Top 12 picks in Blue. Looks like I was 9 for 12 last year. My misses? Bucky Covington, Kevin Covais and Elliott "Mr. Tumnus" Yamin. I had already counted Elliott out in favor of 16 year old William Makkar (that the girls were going crazy over). Fortunately Elliott made it and developed a huge fan base on his way to the final 3. The other 2 misses? I think we all could have done without them! But the unintentional comedy provided by them were priceless! Anyway, this year might be a little tougher to pick that top 12, but I will try my best! We need 6 guys and 6 girls, let's run some numbers!

  1. Sanjaya Malakar - is it me or does this guy have the Michael Jackson talking voice? People liked this guy right from the beginning. And for some reason, we all liked Michael Jackson even though he has talked like a woman ever since he hit puberty.
  2. Melinda Doolittle - Background Singer - She makes some goofy faces when she sings, but boy can she hit those notes hard! I'll give her the go ahead to the next round.
  3. Brendan Rogers - Background Singer #2 - I know I know...Geddeon McKinney didn't get in last year based on my theories that he HAD to, but I'm going with this theory again. Brendan Rogers WILL get in to the top 12!
  4. Gina Glocksen - Returning from season 5 - First time a returning Hollywooder moves on to top 24, I believe. I wonder if she even had to wait in line at the auditions. Does America like Gina as much as the producers have hyped her up? Who knows? But we'll make her blue for now.
  5. Haley Scarnato - Great Look, Great Voice, Great Personality. That's the trifecta folks, let's send her through for now.
  6. Philip Stacy - "I missed my daughter's birth and wear my hat sideways" - I just don't like this guy that much. And well, he wears his hat sideways. No Go for me!

    Wait! It's much for the visit to the OC Set for the guys this year. Instead, they coincidentally got to see clips of the FOX produced SIMPSON'S MOVIE. Of course, we all saw them too! hmmm Gotta love 30 million eyes preparing for a potential summer blockbuster! Okay back to top 24!
  7. Chris Sligh - 1 of 4 of best Group Audition - Simon says he's not one of the best singers but one of the most popular. And he's right. People like this guy. He may turn out to be the next Scott Savol (weird looking, okay voice guy), but for now the people have his back!
  8. Blake Lewis - 2 of 4 of best Group Audition - "Beatboxer" - They say his voice is good enough in addition to the beatboxing. But we didn't hear him really sing much! Should be interesting how America takes to him. I'm putting him in the top 12 on faith. (oops I had 7 Guys highlighted. Blake was right on the edge. sorry dude!)
  9. Rudy Cardenas - 3 of 4 of best Group audition - (other guy didn't make it) - Simon didn't like this guy in the auditions, but he has come around on him. I ran out of slots in the top 12 to place him, so I'll leave him in the wings waiting for one of the questionable favorites to slip (ahem...that means you Sundance!)
  10. Paul Kim - I will always be barefoot and wear the same underwear - This guy has intrigued America with his 2 interviews. First Interview "I want to replace America's vision that All Asians sing like William Hung" 2nd Interview: The barefoot/underwear thing. That will get him some votes off the bat. Can his voice back him up? Idol likes their top 12 Culturally Diverse, I'm going with Yes.
  11. Jordin Sparks - shining star from Seattle auditions (tough to do!) She has a bit of the Kimberly Locke vibe going for her. Her voice isn't as big, but her hair is as big. I'm giving her a top 12 nod for HER nod to 80's hair!
  12. A.J. Tabaldo - 5th audition and now he's through? Crazy, Idol really must be struggling to find new talent.
  13. Stephanie Edwards - "My hair is short and I like to point fingers as I sing" - I don't link finger pointers!
  14. Leslie Hunt - Season 6's official "CRAZY EYES" girl (there always has to be one!) Has a very unique voice that she can bring to the table though.
  15. Nick Pedro - Quit last season and is back and through to top 24...what is going on??? (I think this is the guy that Paula just was in LOOOOVE with in the auditions and also last year. Watch out Corey Clark! okay fine...I recycle jokes! Sue me!) I didn't give him a top 12 spot, but the judges clearly like this guy. They might start making lots of favorable comments to pull in some votes. We'll see.
  16. Alaina Alexander - "Nervous Girl" - I thought her "Without You" rendition was awful. I guess they're basing it on her audition and prior performances. But I didn't see anything worth moving her forward. Sorry Alaina, prove me wrong!
  17. Chris Richardson - Justin Timberlake 2.0 - Nothing else to say except......UGH...
  18. Sabrina Sloan - I don't remember this girl very much. She'll have to woo America next week!
  19. Lakisha Jones - "The one with the 3 year old daughter" - Pro - Great Voice Con - Very Fantasia-like. But Trailer Trash does make for great TV doesn't it?
  20. Nicole Tranquillo - Don't remember this girl, but from what they showed of her, she put on a nice performance. Watch out for her!
  21. Jared Cotter - "I check myself out in the camera's reflection because I think I'm so smooth" - Dude, I speak from experience, you don't have to fix your hair in any kind of reflection when you don't have any!
  22. Amy Krebs - Don't remember this girl much either, but she also sounded good on that final performance. She might be a sleeper, but since I don't remember her, I have to pass her up for someone with more press. I've made this mistake before, but what else can we really do but guess at this point!?
  23. Antonella Barba - Idol Producers say it doesn't matter if she can't remember her words in the final auditions, she's pretty...keep her in the competition! Will America agree with the producers? I'm not so sure right now.
  24. Jason "Sundance" Head - Rough Hollywood Week, but he made it over Tommy Daniels who clearly has been better throughout. That's how IDOL goes. We saw a couple bad clips of him in Hollywood, but they must've seen something worth bringing him back for. The audition was good, really good. Are they just hoping for him to show that magic one more time? Well, he'll get to pick his own songs in the Semi-Finals, and maybe that's all he needs to grab that Top 12 spot. Good luck Sundance!

So there are my guesses. That was pretty tough. One negative thing about the short Hollywood week is that we didn't get a chance to see more of these people. I still say this is better. There are plenty of weeks ahead to form bonds with this motley crew. We might want to call season 6 "American Idol: The Season 5 Rejects Season" There's quite a few returning for a 2nd go at Idol fame. And I still don't get it, if you weren't good enough before, what are the chances you've gotten THAT much better where you could be the IDOL winner? Everyone that has won Idol pretty much came in with natural talent. They were just born with it (yes, even Taylor. He may be goofy, but he's a talented musician!) I just don't understand what you can improve from one year to the next to make you that much better.

Of course this coming from the same guy that says no 16 year old will ever win the competition! Which begs the question, would Kelly, Ruben, Fantasia, Carrie, or Taylor have won when they were 16? Well, probably not. What's my point? I really don't have one. In case you haven't noticed, I just like to ramble!

In any case, I think the 16 year old debate will have to wait for another year. I believe the youngest in our competition is 17 year old Sunjaya. But they didn't show ages tonight, and I was too lazy to look everyone up. So there may be a surprise youngster in the group that I'm forgetting!

Okay, I've written enough. There's going to be plenty more to write next week with 5 hours of Idol. (yay...) Buckle your seatbelts kids, it's GAME TIME! See you next week.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

American Idol - The Hollywood Round

Well, I think it's time for us all to breathe a sigh of relief. While we lost the war on complaining about too many audition episodes it looks like we may have won a small battle along the way. They have found a way to narrow down 2 weeks worth of Hollywood episodes into 2 episodes! Tonight we saw the 1st Cut of Boys and Girls, the Group Auditions and 2nd cuts, and then even the day 4 performances that cut the group of 56 to a smaller number. They finally cut all of those scenes showing the guys visiting the set of The OC while the Girls auditioned, or the Brokenote Cowboy guy seeing the beach for the first time. GOOD RIDDANCE, I SAY!

Well, as thrilled as I am, I'm pulling the rest of my hair out thinking about 3 days of Idol next week and all of the TV conflicts it will cause!

Anyway, first thing first, let's talk about tonight's episode. There definitely were some shockers of who went home. People had some of these girls and guys pegged for the long haul (I'm guilty for at least one!). Since we're going to find out the top 24 tomorrow, let's just note some highlights of who didn't make it through and who we can still root for in the coming rounds:

Exits that we kinda saw coming....:
  • Perla Meneses - Shakira 2.0 - Most of us thought she was awful in the audition and didn't know what the judges were smoking. Apparently we were all breathing the same clean air after she got cut during the group auditions for the inability to sing anything that was NOT Shakira.
  • Sarah Burgess - "I lied to my parents to audition" girl - We didn't see her perform, but I was never impressed with her original audition. And I did not care for the crying theatrics that followed.
  • Matt Sato - ZIT NOSE - I stared at the screen trying to remember ol' Matt, but for some reason I couldn't. Yes, the ol' zit had been cleared away from the nose....but it just happened to reappear on his forehead! FANTASTIC! Well, thank the Lord they let this guy at LEAST pass the Day 1 Hollywood round. It was fantastic watching him call mother dearest on his PINK RAZR to give her the good news. Ecstatic Mom professes love for son only to be followed up with a flamboyant "She never tells me she loves me either!!" Unfortunately, ZIT HEAD couldn't remember words for his life in the group round. I was looking forward to another Kevin Covais this year. (of course Kev had a thing for the ladies, something tells me this guy didn't!)
  • Amanda Collucio - Best Friend #1 with Antonella Barba - She was okay, but it seemed like she was just getting by on her looks and because she was a package deal with her MORE talented friend Antonella

Surprise Exits:

  • Ashyln Carr - "Makes Weird Faces and got brought back in to audition room" Girl - Okay maybe it's not a surprise, but for all of the effort they made to keep this girl in the competition, they sure cut her quickly! We didn't see her sing in Hollywood, but I'm sure it was just more of the same bizarre stuff.
  • Shyamala Malakar - We all knew her brother was the more talented of the brother/sister combo, but for some reason we thought we'd see both of them moving onward for a bit. Of course, if they didn't cut all of these Hollywood Rounds into one episode, we probably would have! I'm okay with this version of Idol though!
  • Jarrod Fowler - Navy Guy - This guy won the NAVY IDOL competition or something and they flew him to his audition. Simon wasn't impressed with his Hollywood audition and he got an early boot
  • Rachel Jenkins - Army Girl -Weird girl that talked to the picture of her husband. She didn't make the cut either. I guess IDOL isn't feeling very patriotic this year. It seems season 2's Josh Gracin was enough!
  • Baylie Brown - I figured they were going to keep this girl around for a top 12 spot. Not the best singer, but when Simon called her COMMERCIAL with a Capital "C" I thought she had it. I'm not the only one, had her ranked #5 on their POWER 20 (updated weekly) speaking of which
  • Ebony Jointer - ROLLER GIRL #3 from the "Rest of the Best" episode - Whom ew had ranked #4. I could've sworn I saw her in a group that all got eliminated. I cannot confirm this one though. Anyone out there recognize her getting the boot?
  • Jory Steinberg - This one hit me hard. I went out on a limb and gave this girl some big props after the audition. I didn't think she'd win or anything, but to get cut on the first day? Ugh. The judges have spoken, there will be no JORY for this case. (ba dum CHING!)

Who is still in

  • Sundance Head - Wow, he has had a rough Hollywood week hasn't he? The early favorite was struggling, but something tells me they keep putting him through for a reason. I'm sure he'll wow them enough on the solo performance to get him into the top 24. Then America can decide what to do with the big lug.
  • Chris Sligh - Sligh Guy/Jack Osbourne 2.0 - He was still bringing some powerful vocals into the Hollywood rounds. And was 1/4th of the best Group audition by far with Rudy Cardenas, Thomas Lowe and Blake Lewis (The Beat Boxing Champion). I can't confirm if any of those 3 are still with us. They obviously all passed through the Group auditions, but I couldn't see who was in the 1 of 3 rooms that got cut. But we'll find out tomorrow for sure!
  • Sanjaya Malakar - We didn't get to see the brother of the bro/sis combo perform, but I'm thinking we'll see him in the top 24. It's all but a sure thing at this point!
  • Tami Gosnell - She picked up a lot of fans for her appearance in the "BEST OF THE REST" Audition episode. We also didn't see her perform, but they showed her make it into 1 of the 2 rooms to move on. With all of the early favorites that have been booted already, I'll go ahead and say this girl may be a lock for the top 12.
  • Matt from last year's Brokenote Cowboys - I totally recognized him as soon as I saw the cowboy hat and the goatee. He never made it past the Hollywood round before and now here he is waiting to see if he's in the Top 24. We have not heard him really sing yet this season, so who knows what he's hiding. We'll find out tomorrow!
  • Antonella Barba - Best friend #2 - We talked about her being better than Amanda earlier. Well, she's definitely still in it. Not much else I can think to say about it right now!

Other early favorites like Returning Gina Glocksen and Backup Singer Melinda Dolittle we saw get through the early Hollywood rounds. But it was tough to see if they made it in that last cut of the episode (which apparently is a cut to 40 contestants). Maybe I just missed something. But no fear! We'll find out tomorrow night when they announce the TOP 24!

So what did everyone think? Are you thankful that we're going to be back to LIVE Idol next week? Do you like this new edited version of the Hollywood Rounds? Tune in tomorrow as we discuss the Top 24!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

American Idol - Rest of the Best

Okay well, I've already said this will be a short recap. My thoughts are elsewhere with LOST. And I think we're all tired of the auditions at this point. I'm ready for Hollywood! Here are the additional people we saw that made it through and some quick thoughts:

  • Tammy Gosnell - 29 - aka "The Lip Ring" Well she had a nice voice and sang "Whipping Post" pretty well. But I'm confused by the 29. I think you have to be 28 at the time of the audition to qualify. So does this mean she's 29 NOW? or did they make an exception? Do I really care? Not really!
  • Paul Kim - 25 - Wants to prove to people that all Asian people of the world are not like William Hung. Well he's off to a good start. Good voice, Hollywood ticket. We'll see how he does!
  • Gina Glocksen - 22 - 3rd time auditioning. 2nd time through to Hollywood. Simon says he likes her. But mainly because Gina is fascinated with him. There has to be a reason she didn't get far last time. So, we'll see.
  • Ashley Cleland - 17 - Roller Girl #2 - She wasn't that good, but she was better than Roller Girl #1, so they let her in.
  • Ebony Jointer - 23 - Roller Girl #3 - Very good. We may see more of this one.
  • Lakisha Jones - 26 - Mandisa 2.0 - Not too bad. She belted out some Aretha convincingly. And well she has a 3 year old daughter. Nothing melts Americans more than a little girl!

Can you tell I'm thrilled to be writing about this stuff? Enough already! The Auditions this year, on a whole, were horrific. Way too many episodes, and too much of the ol "Been there done that" If AI wants to keep dominating the ratings, they need to work on this section of the show a bit. I think people are getting tired of it. But then again, if the ratings continue to improve on a yearly basis, I don't know what's going to stop it! But, I've had enough with it. I don't think I can write about Auditions anymore! I warned you last year. I'm telling you again this year. It's just not worth it! We can just catch up next year when we hit the Top 24! lol (All empty threats...I know!)

Are we all excited to move on to Hollywood? These episodes are only slightly less painful than the auditions. But we're getting there folks! Soon enough we'll be talking about and and we'll be hearing about my bottom 3 picks, my wildcard picks and most BONUS WILDCARDS!

See you next week!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

American Idol - San Antonio Auditions

Ahhh Texas. Every time I hear Idol and Texas in the same sentence only one name comes to mind. That would be the one and only Kelly Clarkson! She may never have sang for the Mayor of Houston, but apparently that mayor doesn't have very good ears! (based on hearing Music Teacher Sandie Chavez's toneless and wordless performance of "Black Velvet") But we did see some good talent coming out of San Antonio, and probably some names you should get used to seeing a lot more.

There was also some decent comedy. Finally, they paid Homage to the "OTHER DOOR" gag that's been running throughout the auditions. You have to think they started locking that left door intentionally after the first city. We saw much of the judges uncontrollably laughing at bad auditions. While some may dig up controversy in the media (ugh...Rosie)....this is what the auditions are all about. If we are going to see bad auditions 6 seasons into this show, let's see the judges try to keep a straight face. That's when you know the contestants are actually trying their best and they just are plain awful. When the judges just stare at these OBVIOUS ACTS that come in the know it's just the producers trying to liven up the show. At least we don't have to talk about these bad auditions much more this year.

Anyway, let's get this thing moving and talk about who is moving on to Hollywood!

  • Haley Scarnato - 24 -Well you gotta hand it to San Antonio, we definitely got some unique names out of them. Paula found Haley SUPER SEXY and loved her Hoochie Mama style. Well, she definitely was a good looking girl. Add in the good voice and you have a lethal combination. Add in some "okay" comments from Randy and Simon, and you have a set back. But I think the viewers will like this girl. I thought she pulled out a nice rendition of Bonnie Raitt's "I Can't Make You Love Me." It's tough to match Carrie's audition in season 4, but I think it topped Constantine's performance (come on a dude singing that song? what a girl!) She'll have to step up her game from her usual Wedding Band gig, but I think she'll be up to the challenge.
  • Baylie Brown -16 - City Girl trapped in a Country Girl's body. It's a classic tale, isn't it? I thought her voice was decent, but seemed like she had no sense of rhythm. It'll be interesting to hear what she sounds like with backing music. Obviously, as Simon so bluntly put it, she's got the look and the personality and an OK voice. All the makings of a Pop Star and commercial with a capital "C." She may be one of our resident 16 year olds that will be with us in the top 12. You know one of the ones that will eventually be showcased on and we'll be wondering how she still is in the competition. Ahhh are you getting excited yet?
  • Akron Watson - 23 - otherwise known as Bruce Banner to his cousin's Incredible Hulk. He had a nice "SMOOTH" voice (thanks Paula) and won Simon over with his 2nd song "Let's Get it On." But I think it'll be tough for him to overcome his personality issues. But that NAME...gotta love that name! American Idol 2006 - AKRON! Yeah...I just don't see it. But maybe it's all elementary....what do you think WATSON?
  • Ashlyn Carr - 18 - Well if this girl can't get over her weird facial expressions (I mean WEIRD!) then she'll be always known for one thing. This was the straw that broke the camel's back. It is very rare when Simon is the only one that says yes to an audition. The other 2 idiots were bumbling around trying to figure out whether to send her to Hollywood or send her home. After painfully deciding NO, Simon declares he would've said yes. And then they realize they made a mistake? Don't they realize that we value their opinions even less now? Maybe it was offset by Simon stating "You have some very bad habits to break" contradicting himself as he was fondling his man breasts (as he always does!) Who knows? But still...the drama makes it all the more entertaining!
  • Jimmy McNeal - 23 - The Fun Ruben. Well, we needed another Ruben in our lives didn't we? I liked this guy. Well, I've always liked the song "Cupid" (and it always reminds me of that silly movie "Innerspace") Anyway, he's likable, has a great voice....and let's face it....we're due for someone like this to win again this year. So then, why couldn't it be Jimmy?

Well we've seen 7 cities now, have we all picked our favorites yet? I've yet to see anyone that truly blew me away. I'd like to see more of Sundance and the Sligh Guy, but I still question how they'll be able to adapt on theme nights. Of course, we need to get through Hollywood and the Top 24 before they have to worry about that. Well, if you haven't picked out anyone to root for yet, you have one more shot to see some more talent. Wednesday Night, they're going to show us who was edited out of the 7 cities (Good and Bad). So based on their recent track record...that probably means we'll see 5 more decent people. (22 Got in tonight, we saw 5 again)

And is anyone else out there like me that would rather watch the LOST Recap Special Wednesday night instead of this Idol Recap episode? Don't worry, I won't leave you strictly Idol fans stranded (EVEN THOUGH I SHOULD!) Just don't be expecting much substance!

Well, discuss away. Who are your favorites so far? Do you think this season is going to be a letdown? Or will someone unpredictable rise from the average talent we've seen so far? See you tomorrow! (AND WATCH LOST!)