It shouldn't come as a big surprise who was eliminated from American Idol this week. The bigger surprise was who joined him in that bottom 3! I had our booted contestant pegged for last week and thought he might have done just enough to escape his inevitable fate this week. Ladies and gentlemen, your ousted American Idol top 10 contestant:
Eliminated: Michael SarverBottom 3: Michael Sarver, Matt Giraud, Scott MacIntyre
My Bottom 3 Picks: Michael Sarver, Megan Joy, Scott MacIntyre Bottom 3 Picks: Michael Sarver, Megan Joy, Scott MacIntyre
The persistence of the Megan Joy voting public is just beyond me at this point. I guess I need to stop picking her to be eliminated and then it just might happen! But Matt Giraud being in the American Idol bottom 3 during Top 10 week? Unacceptable! Granted, it probably had to do with him going first. I thought he had done enough to be remembered! Oh well, he is safe and he will get the voting boost next week from concerned supporters. All will be right with the world. And even though Megan and Scott live to see another week, it was Michael's time to exit the competition as well. So farewell Michael Sarver, you were a great guy with a decent voice and no shot at super stardom! Enjoy the Summer Tour!
Once again, we did not hear the theme for next week, so no predictions from yours truly on how next week will pan out. As long as the shows are on Tuesday and Wednesday, I'll be happy!
Let's get to our Highlights and Lowlights for the night on American Idol's results night.
- Stevie Wonder - Yep that was about it. His medley of his hits was fantastic. Watching the Idols and Judges dance and sing like idiots? Priceless! Only one thing I could have done without. His profession of love for the President. Come on, aren't we over this by now!? Let's see him fix the economy people! And not interrupt my Tuesday primetime TV anymore!
- Ruben Studdard's performance. Was it pre-recorded and then interspliced with live footage of the contestants? And did we watch Ryan walk off camera from the taped segment into the live segment near the contestants? If that wasn't what was happening, it was really sloppy camera and audio work! That's a TiVo rewind moment if I've ever seen one!
- Speaking of TiVo, thank God I have more than one in the house. Thursday is a busy night of recording and I am booked at 9:00! I had to set Idol to go over 5 minutes on by 2nd TiVo because the judges couldn't figure out if they wanted to save Michael Sarver or not. SERIOUSLY???? You only get one save! You are going to tell me you were going to use it on Sarver? Yikes.
- Ford Music Video - Just gets a nod for even existing every week.
- Smokey Robinson and Joss Stone - eh, I guess it was okay, but I know I eventually had to fast forward from the middle to the end of it!
- Private Jet Ride narrated by Lil Rounds. Pretty much anything she has to say on the show makes my Lowlight reel!
- Last but definitely not least.....the Group Medley of Motown Tunes reached an all-time low with them being pre-recorded twice over! That's was not live, and they lipsynched to make the cheesiest music video in the history of American Idol! I don't even think I can explain the cheese factor that was involved in the filming and choreographing of this disaster. But let's just say Velveeta WAS involved!
Whew, so I guess that promise of half hour results shows is just totally gone yet again this season. Oh well, I do love me some unintentional comedy! And we got oodles of it tonight! Not much else I can say tonight folks, so hope you enjoyed my bashing of the results show. Farewell again to Michael Sarver...and I'll see you next week for the American Idol Top 9!
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I actually liked Ruben, even if he was prerecorded. David Cook's going to be on next week's result show, and he's already taped his performance.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought Stevie Wonder's Obama love was unnecessary. It's too bad he's lost a lot vocally, because his songs are still great.
Yeah, I have nothing against Ruben. He's a good guy and a good singer (unsuccessful Idol winner though)....the song wasn't too bad either, even if I fast forwarded through most of it. I was mainly griping about how AI tried to pretend it was live when it was clearly not. It was almost comical!
I heard about Cook being pre-taped too. It's kinda bizarre how they're doing it that way. But if they want a "famous Idol" on each results show they have to make it fit to whenever these guys are in L.A.
Definitely unnecessary. If it was anyone but Stevie I would have lost a lot of respect for them. But come's Stevie Wonder! He can do no wrong. Amazing songs, amazing legacy. But yeah..his voice isn't quite there as much anymore.
Are we certain that all the Idol group songs are lip-synched and pre-recorded? If so, why?
Seems to me that it used to be all live. Why the change and when did it begin?
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