NOTE: My thoughts from every Audition Episode, Hollywood Episode, Vegas and TOP 24 Announcement Episodes are in the "COMMENTS" section of this post.
Greetings my fellow waning Idol Viewers! Have you had a good 8ish months off from the show? Yeah, me too! I think I made it pretty clear in my season 9 finale blog that I was not thrilled to be writing about the show anymore. And, with Simon's exit it seemed almost poetic to just drop the show. Well, my stance hasn't changed too much. But, here's the thing. I'd be lying (as all of us would be) if I said I'm not going to watch the show this year. Of course I want to see the train wreck that it has turned into! I mean, J-Lo? Steven Tyler? and Randy as the anchor judge?!?! Unitentional Comedy at its finest. They have made so many tweaks to this show in the off-season (in an effort to save it) that it may be almost unidentifiable! Well, after the auditions at least (I don't think they're changing much). Some of the changes may turn out to be good, who knows?
Anyway, the reason I'm writing this little interlude to season 10 is that I wanted to let you all know that I'm viewing this season with a "Wait and See" approach, in terms of blogging about it. I don't want to be wasting my time writing about a show that no one, mostly myself, has any interest in. I have threatened to do this for the past few years but never was able to back it up. I WILL NOT write about any audition episodes! I just can't. I force my way through it and there's not much really to write about! So, if anything, I will be writing about the LIVE PERFORMANCE shows. And it's really going to be based on if there's enough talent to keep me interested. And, if the judges somehow miraculously earn my approval/interest that may go a long way too. But, this will be a "NO FRILLS" blogging approach. No pictures or fancy formatting. Just a bulleted approach and my reactions to the performances. I'm going back to the way I used to review Idol if I do it at all!
But here's the good news. I'm leaving this post up for any commentary during the Idol Auditions. If you see something funny, want to roll your eyes at the judges or find the contestant you're going to support through the show, then please drop a comment. I'm sure I'll be dropping comments in here as well. Hopefully, that will work for the Pre-Taped shows. If it doesn't, OH WELL! :-)
I'm guessing everyone is going into this season with a "wait and see" approach with sticking around for this season as well, so I'm sure my approach won't surprise anyone.
In the meantime, if you're looking for my blogging on other shows (such as Fringe, The Walking Dead, The Event plus any other random show I decide to write about), go check out my new TV Addicts Blog (! After LOST, there was just no way to pick one show to bet the farm with. And since I love any and all TV, it seemed like the best approach! Enjoy!
So, that's really all I have for now, but tune into the comments of this post for discussion on the auditions if anyone feels so inclined! So, maybe I'll see you after Wednesday's premiere and/or after the first live show!