Welcome back Idol fanatics! The show is returning to much more positive buzz due to a promising judging panel. I'm actually looking forward to this season a little more than I have in recent seasons. But, my available time for extracurricular activities continues to shrink! We currently have a 2 year old running around the house and we're about to add baby #2 to the mix late April/early May which happens to be right smack in the middle of the live shows! So, let's take this season on a week by week basis as always! Per the past several years, I will leave this post up to discuss the auditions and Hollywood rounds and whatever other pre-taped performances might be coming our way. And I'll still plan on writing up some brief posts for the live performances (maybe not those initial semi-final performances but we'll see if they deserve some kind of write-up!). In the very best case scenario, there probably won't be a recap the week my baby girl is born and surely the remaining readers of this blog would understand that!
But, like I said, we'll play it by ear. Enjoy the start of this show and keep your fingers crossed that the changes made to the show's panel and format are for the better! See you in the comments!